sábado, 16 de julio de 2011

jQuery Countdown Timer Plugin For Clean Coming Soon Pages

jQuery Countdown Timer Plugin For Clean Coming Soon Pages: "
Sometimes you are not just ready to greet your online customers or visitors and take them to a trip of your website and showcase your products or services. You are about to launch your website and do not want the visitors to get annoyed with a blank page in the meanwhile. The quick fix for this situation is a countdown timer to tell your visitors that would be online very soon and they should come back later to check out your services or products.

If you are in a situation like this, replace your blank or old fashioned ‘Under Construction’ page with a count down timer with CountDown, which is a free jQuery plugin to create clean, and lightweight ‘Coming Soon’ page for your under construction website.


  • Easy to Integrate
  • Unobtrusive JavaScript
  • Easily Skinable
  • Multiple Instances
  • onComplete Handler and Start / Stop Functionality

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